Meet our volunteers: Clean-up in Vondelpark

Team up to Clean up Vondelpark

Reporters / Photographers : Evan YANG & Voshon FERDISON

Meet Fabio

He loves volunteering since it allows him to give back to those in need and make a difference in their lives. His favorite thing about volunteering is seeing how h

appy the people he helps become and knowing that his efforts are making a difference. He is truly passionate about helping others and makes sure to always put in his best effort.

His most memorable memories date back to a few years ago when he was able to Helping people in the Philippines and helping people with disabilities in Nepal.  

“I’ve been volunteering with Serve the City for the past three years, and I’m so glad I found it. It’s a great way for me to focus on something bigger than myself and it feels so rewarding to help out my community and people in need. Volunteering brings a sense of purpose and fulfilment to my life that I don’t think I could find anywhere else.”


Meet Neils

He is a 36-year-old Amsterdam native who loves exploring the city and connecting with others. He enjoys a lively nightlife and is always up for meeting new people. 

“At the end of December, I decided to heed my father’s advice and got involved in a volunteer project for the first time. It was a great experience. I was so happy to be able to contribute. I’m excited to explore ways to expand the role of Serve The City in my life. Doing a project for them once a month would be a great way to give back to the community and to boost my own sense of satisfaction.” 

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