Help us get an electric bakfiets!

Make a donation and help us getting an electric bakfiets!

The weather today might be sad and rainy. But here at Serve the City we can’t stop smiling. Today way we were able to deliver Sinterklaas packages around town for the children living in poverty! This, because we could borrow an electric bakfiets for a day! We would never be able to do all of this with our own personal bikes. This happiness made us think;

We should get an electric bakfiets ourselves, so we can keep on helping our volunteers, and making actions like Sinterklaas keep happening!

But how? We don’t have money for it… Well, we want to see how close we could get to buying an electric bakfiets for Serve the City from donations from people like you. Are you not able to make a donation? You can also help us by spreading the word, and sharing this fundraising with your friends, employees, family, or maybe the owner of your local bike shop!

This bike will help us and our many volunteering project coordinators with A LOT of the events, that we organize throughout the year. Several times, we and our passionate project coordinators have to get a lot of stuff from one place to another for their given projects. And this is not easy and sometimes almost impossible for us to do, with a normal bike or public transport! So it is a really big wish we have this year.


Can you help us with a donation? You can donate right here on this Tikkie link. Or scan the QR code to the right!



Are you a company? Do you want to sponsor a bakfiets, or some of it? Then please contact us here, and we can do a nice collaboration together, and discuss further!

Donate money for NGO work electric bike

Let’s make Brigitte even happier, by helping us at Serve the City, to get our own e-bakfiets that we can use every day with our volunteers and for our many projects!


Jonge vrouw met tasVrouw met tassen om uit te delen

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